The mousebirds fly to a bush, one by oneĀ
The coucal makes its slightly ghostly sound
The white frangipani has lots of flower heads
The mousebirds fly to a bush, one by oneĀ
The coucal makes its slightly ghostly sound
The white frangipani has lots of flower heads
Warm wind
A butterfly, white on top and yellow/orange under
Crows caving
A hoopoe bird on the roof
A group of mousebirds on the wall
Warm northerly wind gusts
One desert lily blooms
Many little finches warming themselves in the sun
The air is cold
A bird chirps across the street
A small group of birds, perhaps swallows, flying low over the rooftops
The wind is cold in my face
The bamboo waves in the wind
A group of Ibises fly over the house with their characteristic screeching
Nerium is flowering
The wind is touching my arms
Tree in front of house has grown taller
Birdsong at the neighbor’s
The sun warms my forehead
The leaves on the palm trees move slowly in the wind
A crow caws behind my back
Black bird with forked tail catching insects
Flock of small birds, maybe swallows, flying almost like bats catching insects
White and black butterflies in the flowering mango trees